All interested in collaboration are welcome. We are seeking associate editors in various cities and academic centres.
Please send articles and subject suggestions to our e-mail address: journal@doc.art.pl. We encourage you to submit documentation and archives.
DEADLINE for submission - issue #32 - April 1, 2025; issue #33 - September 1, 2025.
We invite you to read our editorial guidelines, notes on style and publication ethics.
Art and Documentation is an Open Access journal. We publish texts licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which means that the original text may be remixed, transformed and built upon and be copied and redistributed in any medium or format even commercially, provided credit is given to the author.
Creative Commons license terms for re-use do not apply to any content (such as graphs, graphics and drawings, reproductions, photos, documents, excerpts, etc.) not original to the Open Access publication and further permission may be required from the rights holder. The obligation to research and clear permission lies solely with the party re-using the material.
Peer reviewers' list.
circulation 300 copies
e-ISSN 2545-0050
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